The GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity
by: William A. Therivel, PhD
Vol 1
Vol 2
Vol 3
Vol 4
Vol 5
Vol 6
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GAM/DP Synopsis
GAM Introduction
DP Introduction
GAM/DP Summary
Mozart and not Salieri
Personality Families
Berlin's Hedgehogs & Foxes
James Joyce - Fox
Newton's Personality Styles
Gifted and Talented
GAM's Marginal Men
GAM's Heidegger
GAM's Nietzsche
GAM's Nathaniel Hawthorne
German Ethnopsychology
Japanese Ethnopsychology
French Ethnopsychology
Spanish Ethnopsychology
Chinese Ethnopsychology
Argentine Ethnopsychology
Byzantium's Creativity
Venice's Creativity
Chaucer's Griselda
Western Medicine's Origins
Individual Growth by Thinking GxAxMxDP
William A. Therivel
William Therivel
found at Amazon
High Creativity Unmasked
Studying Power
Studying National Characters
Studying National Creativity
Biography of Author
The GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity - Volume II
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