The GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity
by: William A. Therivel, PhD
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6
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-Individual Growth by Thinking GxAxMxDP
William A. Therivel
William Therivel
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-High Creativity Unmasked
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-Studying National Creativity
Biography of Author

The strict ritter Japanese ethnopsychology (character) is discussed in
Therivel's GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity.

Japanese Ethnopsychology

The Strict Ritter Personality of the Japanese

The above is the title of chapter 9 of volume 3 of William A. Therivel's The GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity (G stands for genetic endowment, A for assistances of youth, M for misfortunes of youth, DP for division of power, UP for unity of power). For an introduction to the GAM part of the theory click "Introduction to GAM"; for an introduction to the DP part click on "Introduction to DP".
In this website, the reader is also offered a shortcut: The GAM/DP Synopsis and an expanded version, The GAM/DP Summary of volumes 1 through 4.

This is a companion chapter to the one on the German ethnopsychology, However, the partial unity of power of the Japanese lord is much stronger than that of the German lord, and the education of his subordinates, the samurai in particular, much stricter.

Hereafter, I report the table of contents and a few pages from this long chapter.

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

1. Introduction
2. No, Endo: Japan is not a swamp, but the land of the strict Ritter
3. The land of the strict Ritter
     - Patrick Smith's recent comments
     - Avoiding eye contact
     - Squeezing the farmer to the utmost, and brutally punishing every protest
     - Loathsome ferocity even at the top of the pyramid of power
     - Entrusting the lord with matters of good and evil
4. The making of the strict Ritter personality
     - The early making of the German Ritter
     - The early making of the Japanese strict Ritter
     - Do not look intelligent!
     - Further training of adulthood
     - Contemporary training: Again many sticks and few carrots
5. Similarities between the Japanese strict Ritter and the German Ritter
6. Kabuki constricted and constricting
7. Flexible immutability
     - Koestler's and Patrick Smith's comments
     - Know-how, but not assimilated knowledge
8. What if Japan had not been united, but had evolved into a confederation?
9. A critique of Arima Tatsuo's The Failure of Freedom: A portrait of modern Japanese

     - Arima's main thoughts
     - Critique of Arima's thoughts on Japan
     - Critique of Arima's thoughts on the West
     - Ikegami's correct thoughts on Japan versus the West
     - Nishida Kitaro
     - Uchimura Kanzo
10. "Japan as swamp" revisited
11. Behind the smiling mask
12. Conclusion and recommendation
13. From strict-Ritter to insular and skeptic?
     - Okami; in particular that of the educational system
     - Those cute Japanese women
14. More on the recommendation

Appendix I       A non-Ritter, but strict-Ritter passion for apologies
     - The profuse apologies
     - The system is at fault, not the individuals
Appendix II      Cui bono the Japanese virtues of dependence and self-effacement?
Appendix III     Endo GAM miner-leadsman-radiologist

1. Introduction

     When writing chapter 25, vol. 1 "The Ritter (Knight/) Personality of the Germans," I knew that I had to have an equivalent chapter on the Japanese strict Ritter. I also knew that I should begin my additional studies on Japan with Endo Shusaku's understanding of Japan as swamp in his historical novel Silence: "Father, you were not defeated by me, you were defeated by this swamp of Japan." However, Ritter do not live in swamps. Therefore, this chapter starts with my critique of Endo, and continues with a new understanding of many key aspects of the Japanese ethnopsychology derived from a wide range of important texts, and personal experiences.
     Strictly speaking, I should have spoken of the Samurai personality, and not of the strict Ritter personality of the Japanese, but in so doing I would have lost the immediacy of many parallels with the German Ritter for both causes and results.
     Even more than my other ethnopsychological chapters this one is addressed first to the Japanese people themselves, then to those who have already a good knowledge and love for Japan. Others too can read this chapter, but they need to integrate it with other readings, for instance Maraini's Meeting with Japan.
     I would ask the reader to follow me through this chapter as if on a journey of discovery, each section being a stage of the trip, up to the last one of conclusion and recommendation.

2. No, Endo, Japan is not a swamp but the land of the strict Ritter

"Father [Rodrigues], you were not defeated by me, you were defeated by this swamp of Japan." With these words from Inoue Lord of Chikugo to Father Rodrigues, Endo Shusaku summarized, at the end of Silence of 1976, his views on Japan in relation to the West.

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