The GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity
by: William A. Therivel, PhD
Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6
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-Argentine Ethnopsychology
-Byzantium's Creativity
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-Western Medicine's Origins
-Individual Growth by Thinking GxAxMxDP
William A. Therivel
William Therivel
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-High Creativity Unmasked
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The Argentine ethnopsychology (character), and recent major difficulties are discussed in
Therivel's GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity.

Argentine Ethnopsychology

An Ethnopsychological Explanation of Argentina's Difficulties

The above is the title of chapter 16 of volume 4 of William A. Therivel's The GAM/DP Theory of Personality and Creativity (G stands for genetic endowment, A for assistances of youth, M for misfortunes of youth, DP for division of power, UP for unity of power). For an introduction to the GAM part of the theory click "Introduction to GAM"; for an introduction to the DP part click on "Introduction to DP".
In this website, the reader is also offered a shortcut: The GAM/DP Synopsis and an expanded version, The GAM/DP Summary of volumes 1 through 4.

Hereafter I report the table of contents and a few pages of the introduction of this chapter:

This chapter is divided into the following sections:

I. Introduction
II. Mindbinding by the Inquisition
     1. A first set of key judgments
     2. Sarmiento's judgment
     3. Montesquieu's and Voltaire's judgments
     4. In Sicily under the Spaniards
     5. The Anaconda effect
     6. Véliz's and Salvador de Madariaga's whitewashing
III. The vertical component of the Hispanic character
     1. As seen by Madariaga
     2. As seen by José Antonio Primo de Rivera
     3. As seen by López Ibor
     4. As seen by Bunkley
     5. Vertical/essential people are intransigent
     6. The Inquisition, and the emphasis on dying well
     7. In answer to Sarmiento: The great vertical men of Unamuno and Salvador
de Madariaga
     8. The vertical component as medieval thinking
     9. Is this uniquely Spanish?
IV. Key terms: Ser entero, hombre total, hombre integral, método de la pasión,
arbitrariedad, complejo de inferioridad ante la ciencia y la técnica pero de
superioridad como estilo de vida
V. The Spaniards as the last of the pre-DP Medievals
     1. The many kinds of individualism
     2. Not inclined to solidarity with the community
     3. A violent passion for honor
     4. Is the hombre integro y total more prone to being envious?
     5. The aristocratic soy quien soy's contribution to intransigence
VI. No Gálvez
     1. On the arts
     2. On social sense and religion
     3. On Switzerland
VII. No Sánchez-Albornoz
     1. On the arts
     2. On mysticism
VIII. So much violence and torture, and so few great thinkers?
     1. Violence and torture
     2. So few great thinkers
IX. No, Shumway
     1. Wrongly faulting the founding fathers of Argentina
     2. But the Inquisition of Rosas (1829-1852) took place
     3. But there were farmers instead of gauchos
     4. But Spain was disliked
X. A divided nation
XI. The natural but incomplete solution: Learn from Europe
     1. European books
     2. The initial Euro-Argentine political solution
     3. Travel to Europe
     4. Claraval's mal de Europa
     5. As seen by Véliz
XII. Was Hispanidad the answer?
XIII. Conclusion
XIV. Recommendations
     Recommendation N. 1
     Recommendation N. 2
     Recommendation N. 3

I. Introduction

     Few countries seemed to have a more assured future than Argentina. Yet things went so wrong so quickly:

For many decades many Europeans believed that Argentina offered an opportunity equal to, if not greater than, North America. The pampas estancieros enjoyed the reputation that Texas or Arab oil magnates have today, and the expression riche comme un Argentin remained a commonplace among the French until the 1930s….[However,] for at least the past two decades economists have classified Argentina in the under-developed or "third" world, and by the 1960s Argentina was becoming a byword for political instability, inflation, and labor unrest. During the 1970s a sudden procession of horror stories emanated from Argentina-unbridled popular riots, guerilla warfare, assassinations, abductions, imprisonment of dissidents, institutionalized torture, and eventually mass murder. For a time Argentina elicited a single association: los desaparecidos, the thousands of students, workers, writers, lawyers, architects, and journalists, men and women alike, who had "disappeared", simply vanished without trace…. The central, compelling question about Argentina is simply: What went wrong? Why has Argentina failed to realize its promise? (Rock, 1985, pp. xxi-xxii; my italics)

     There have been many answers to that central question, but few that have gone back far enough in history as demanded by the GAM/DP theory of personality and creativity. There is no valid explanation of what went right or wrong with a nation without a clear understanding of its distant past. For instance, in any discussion of the origins of the West, there is no way that we can say something meaningful without dealing first with what happened at Canossa in 1077, Legnano/Venice in 1176/1177, Runnymede in 1215. It is not that later positive DP events are not important, but that their importance was prepared by the DP ideas and agreements of those key events.
     In the case of Argentina, it is less a question of key events and agreements, than, at first, of a UP institution, the Inquisition, that many scholars have decided to forget or minimize, and which in my mind must be faced squarely. Because of this, Part II of this chapter is devoted to the evil perpetrated by the UP of the Inquisition in Latin America, Spain, Sicily, and the Papal States. Accordingly, my discussion will move from Argentina, to Spain and back to Argentina, stressing how Latin America, but especially Argentina, suffered much more of royal/inquisitorial UP, than Spain itself, because its distance from Europe prevented the many liberalizing contacts that Spain had with France, England, Italy, and Flanders, including the contacts of war, as for instance the Peninsular War of 1807-1814 which so strongly affected both Spain and Portugal.
     Part III, on the vertical component of the Hispanic character is equally Spanish at first, yet various key aspects of that vertical component have sadly become stronger in Argentina than in Spain itself.
     Before leaving the preliminaries of this introduction, something more must be said first on what went wrong, and then on the aims and methods of this chapter.

2. What Went Wrong?

· On March 24, 1976, a junta led by Gen. Jorge Rafael Videla seized power from President Isabel Peron. During the next seven years, at least 8,900 people disappeared, according to a 1985 government report, although human rights groups place the figure at around 30,000. [Sadly, this behavior was not new. Already under Juan Manuel Rosas, who ruled Argentina in 1829-1852, "one source estimates that by 1843 he had been responsible, through executions and civil war casualties (not including the badly wounded who would die shortly afterwards, or the deaths inflicted by Rosas' enemies) for over 22,000 deaths" (Earle, 1971, p. 47).]
· A microcosm of international politics, Argentina has experienced domestically the hostilities that citizens of other states experience mainly in the area of foreign relations. More than any other nation, since World War II it has been a battleground of ideas competing for supremacy-liberalism, democracy, socialism, communism, fascism, and the social teachings of the Catholic church-ideologies contributing to a climate of social and political chaos. In Argentina their encounter reached a pitch of violence unsurpassed in the hemisphere. Argentina can boast of the two largest, best-organized, and best-financed urban guerrilla formations on record-the Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (ERP), and the Montoneros. The response to their revolutionary war was also record-breaking-the military's dirty war, a revival of the methods of the Spanish Inquisition, and the most systematic form of state terrorism in the New World. (Hodges, 1991, p. xi)
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